425 DX News issue #808

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                              425 DX News #808
                              28 October 2006 

                             A.R.I. Dx Bulletin
                          Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH

           Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
                         (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to

                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org)

                     The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile I2VGW

5H       - Giovanni, I5JHW reports he will operate SSB and RTTY as 5H1HW  from
           Zanzibar Island (AF-032) on 7-22 November. QSL via I5JHW, direct or
9H       - Jo, DL5AUA reports he has had  to cancel his 23 October-2  November
           9H3JC operation from Malta [425DXN 803] owing to a family problem.
E5       - Bill, N7OU (E51NOU)  and Bob, W7YAQ  (E51YAQ) will  be active  from
           Penrhyn Atoll (OC-082),  North Cook  Islands on  4-18 November  and
           from Rarotonga  (OC-013), South  Cook  Islands on  18-28  November,
           including participation  in the  CQ WW  CW  DX Contest.  They  will
           operate on 10-80 metres mostly CW, with some RTTY and SSB. [TNX The
           Daily DX]
FT*X     - Gil, F5NOD reports that Gildas, FT5XP (TU5KG) [425DXN 806] might be
           again active  from  Port aux  Francais,  Kerguelen  sometime  "next
           week". QSL via F4EFI.
G        - On 3  November 1906  the Berlin  International Wireless  Telegraphy
           Convention agreement established  500kc/s as  the maritime  calling
           and distress frequency and SOS as the distress signal. To mark this
           centenary the Radio Officers' Association will be on air using  the
           call  sign   GB500KCS  on   3-4   November.  QSL   via   operator's
           instructions. This special event will form the launch of the  Radio
           Officers'  Association  campaign  for   500kHz  to  be   recognised
           internationally as a 'heritage' frequency. [TNX VA3RJ]
HS       - Look for HS8KAY to participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest  (Single
           Operator on  20  metres) from  Phuket  Island (AS-053).  After  the
           contest he will operate CW for  another 2-3 days before going  back
           home. QSL via home call (bureau preferred). [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
I        - INORC (Italian Naval  Old Rhythmers Club)  members will operate  CW
           only as IY1SP/500KCS from La Spezia (Mount  Parodi) on 3-5 November
           to  celebrate  the   centenary  of  the   signing  of  the   Berlin
           International Wireless Telegraphy  Convention agreement.  QSL   via
           I1SAF. [TNX I8QHE]
JA       - Look for JA5BEX/5 to operate SSB  on the HF  bands from Ogi  Island
           (AS-076), Kagawa  Prefecture  on 28  October.  QSL via  home  call,
           direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
KC4_ant  - Adam, K2ARB will  be active as  KC4/K2ARB from  Patriot Hills  Camp
           (MN-01 for  the  Antarctica  Award),  Antarctica  (AN-016)  from  3
           November to 28 January 2007. [TNX DL5EBE]
KH8_si   - A multi-national team  of 12  experienced operators  lead by  Hrane
           Milosevic (YT1AD) and  co-lead by David  Collingham (K3LP) will  be
           active on all  bands and modes  as N8S from  Swains Island on  3-16
           April 2007.  The other  ten operators  will be  K1LZ, N3KS,  N6TQS,
           RK3AD,  RA3AUU,  SV2BFN,  UA3AB,  RZ3AA,   YZ7AA  and  YZ1BX.   The
           permission to  operate was  confirmed via  email from  Larry  Gandy
           (AH8LG) on 23 October. Furthr information  will be provided in  due
           course. [TNX The Daily DX]
OA       - Martijn, PA3GFE will  be again  in Peru  from 3  November until  10
           December. He hopes to be able to operate in his spare time on 40-10
           metres (expecially  on  the  lower bands).  He  will  also  try  to
           participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest from the OA4O club  station,
           with better  antennas  and power.  QSL  via home  call,  direct  or
           bureau. [TNX PA3GFE]
ON       - UBA radio  club  stations have  been  authorized to  replace  their
           ordinary prefix with ON60 (Oscar November Six Zero) from 1 November
           2006 through 10 February 2008 to celebrate the 60th anniversary  of
           the Union Belge des Amateurs-emetteurs (UBA,  the IARU society  for
           Belgian amateurs). [TNX ON4BEN]
OZ       - Norbert, DL1HTW  will  operate on  10-80  metres SSB  and  SSTV  as
           OZ/DL1HTW from Langeland Island (EU-172) on 4-11 November. QSL  via
           home call. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
PA       - Look for  Filip, ON4AEO  to operate  as PA/OS6A  from Texel  Island
           (EU-038) on 4-5 November. He will be  active on 40, 20, 17, 15,  12
           and 10 metres. QSL via ON4AEO. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
P4       - Tim, WD9DZV will operate CW and  SSB on 160-10 metres as P40D  from
           Aruba (SA-036) from 30 October  to 9 November.  QSL via home  call.
           [TNX NG3K]
PJ4      - Bob, K0NR will be active as PJ4/K0NR from Bonaire (SA-006) from  28
           October to 9 November. He plans  to operate SSB  and PSK31 on  30-6
           metres, as well as FM on  Oscar satellites from grid FK52. QSL  via
           home call. [TNX K0NR]
PJ4      - Look for  Arno, PJ4/DL1CW  to operate  on  80-10m CW  from  Bonaire
           (SA-006), Netherlands Antilles  on 2-8 November.  QSL via the  DARC
           bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
SV       - Look for SV8/F6BZQ/P to operate from Paros Island (EU-067) from  29
           October to 3 November. [TNX F8REF]
TK       - Kasimir/DL2SBY,  Tom/HA4DX  and  Laci/HA0HW  will  be  active  from
           Corsica (EU-014)  on 2-10  November. They  plan to  operate on  all
           bands SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31. [TNX NG3K]
UA       - A group  of operators  from radio  club RZ4HZW  will be  active  as
           UE1RLH/4 from  Damba-48  Island (RR  26-05)  and lighthouse  on  29
           October. QSL via RA1QY. [TNX RA1QY]
V3       - John, W5JON is active as V31FB from Ambergris Caye (NA-073), Belize
           until 1 November.  He will also  participate in  the CQ  WW DX  SSB
           Contest. QSL via home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
YU6      - Toma, YU1AB and Emin, T91S will  operate CW, SSB  and PSK as  4O3AB
           and 4O3ES from Montenegro  on 27 October-3  November. QSL via  home
           calls. [TNX YU1AB]

CQ WW  DX  SSB CONTEST  --->  The following  stations  have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (28-29 October):
ZONE   CALL          CATEGORY     DXCC                 QSL VIA
02     VE2IM         SOAB HP      Canada               VE3DZ
02     VO2MK         SO           Canada               VO1KVT
04     VB4MWA        SO HP        Canada               N0HJZ
04     VC3R                       Canada               VE7VR
05     VP9I          SO           Bermuda
07     HQ3A          SOSB 80m     Honduras             W3HNK
07     HQ9R          SOAB         Honduras             N6FF
07     HR2RCH        M/2          Honduras             HR2RCH
07     TG0AA         M/?          Guatemala            TG9ANF
07     TI8M          M/2          Costa Rica           TI2KAC
07     V31FB                      Belize               W5JON
07     V31HK         SO LP        Belize               DL7BC
07     YN2EJ         M/?          Nicaragua            K5LBU
08     6Y1V          M/?          Jamaica              OH3RB
08     8P2K          SOSB 20m HP  Barbados             KU9C
08     C6APR         M/S          Bahamas              K3IXD
08     FM/K9NW       SOAB         Martinique           K9NW
08     FM5AN         SO HP        Martinique           FM5AN
08     FS/WY3P       M/S          St.Martin            W3ADC
08     HI9L          M/?          Dominican Republic   DH7WW
08     J3A           M/M          Grenada              WA1S
08     J37T          SO           Grenada              VE3EBN
08     NP2B          M/2          US Virgin Islands    NP2B
08     NP2KW         SOAB LP      US Virgin Islands    NP2KW
08     NP3U                       Puerto Rico          WP4U
08     KH2RU/KP4     SOSB 10M     Puerto Rico          KH2RU
08     V26B          M/?          Antigua              KA2AEV
08     VP2MDY                     Montserrat           WA7NB
08     VP2MHX        SOSB         Montserrat           W4WX
08     VP2MQD        SOSB         Montserrat           K4QD
08     VP5T          M/M or M-2   Turks & Caicos       N2VW
08     WP4BH         M/M          Puerto Rico          WP4BH
09     8R1EA         SOAB         Guyana               AH8DX
09     FY5KE         M/S          French Guiana        FY5KE
09     HK3SGP        SOSB 80m LP  Colombia             qrz.com
09     HK6KKK        SOAB         Colombia             EA5KB
09     P40A          SOAB         Aruba                WD9DZV
09     P40W          SOAB         Aruba                N2MM
09     P49Y                       Aruba                AE6Y
09     PJ2T          M/S or M/2   Netherlands Antilles N9AG
09     PJ4E          M/?          Bonaire              WA4PGM
10     HC1JQ         SOSB 20m     Ecuador              HC1JQ
10     OA4WW         SOAB HP      Peru
11     ZP0R          SO           Paraguay             W3HNK
11     ZY7C          M/S          Brazil               PT7WA
12     CE0Y/N0UU                  Easter Island        N0UU
13     LR2F          M/S          Argentina            LU2FA
13     LU5HM         SOAB         Argentina            EA5KB
14     CU2A          SOAB HP      Azores               OH2BH
14     DR1A          M/M          Germany
14     HB0/HB9AON    M/M          Liechtenstein        DJ2YE
14     LX7I          SOAB         Luxembourg           LX2A
14     MD4K          M/?          Isle of Man          G3NKC
14     MU5W          M/S          Guernsey             M3SDE
14     TM5HV         M/S LP       France               F8KFZ
15     4N8A          SOSB 40m     Serbia               YU1EA
1      IF9A          M/?          Italy
15     II3G                       Italy                IV3RJT
15     IO3Z                       Italy                IV3ZXQ
15     IR4B          SOSB 20m     Italy                IK4AUY
15     IR8C                       Italy                IZ8EDJ
15     IR8E                       Italy                IK8PLE
15     IR8Z                       Italy                IZ8EZP
15     IR9K                       Italy                IW9HLM
15     OH0X          SOAB         Aland Islands        OH2TA
15     OH0Z          M/M          Aland Islands        W0MM
15     RK2FWA        M/S          Kaliningrad          DK4VW
15     T70A          M/S          San Marino           T70A
15     TK1KJ         SO LP        Corsica              F1JKJ
15     Z35T          SOSB 20m     Macedonia            Z32XA
17     EY7AF         SOSB 40m     Tajikistan           qrz.com
17     EY8MM         SOSB 80m HP  Tajikistan           K1BV
20     4X/AA4V       SOAB         Israel
20     4X0WV         M/?          Israel               W8HC
20     5B/AJ2O       M/S          Cyprus               RA3AUU
20     J42WT                      Greece               SV2HPP
20     J48RT         M/S          Greece               HA6NL
20     J49Z          M/S          Crete                IK8UND
20     SX5P          M/2          Dodecanese           SV5FRD
20  TA2ZAF or YM2W   SOSB 10m HP  Turkey               OK1TN
20     ZC4VJ         SOSB 20m?    UK Sov Base Areas    qrz.com
                                   on Cyprus
21     4L8A          SOSB 20m     Georgia              DJ1CW
21     9K2HN         M/S          Kuwait               9K2HN
21     A45WD         SOSB 20m LP  Oman                 YO9HP
22     9N7MV         SO LP        Nepal                JA0UMV
22     AT0D          SOAB         India                EA7FTR
23     JT1/WX8C      SOAB         Mongolia             WX8C
24     B1Z           M/S          China
24     B7P           M/2          China
24     XX9C          M/M          Macau
26     E20PFE        SOAB LP      Thailand             E20PFE
26     E20WXA        SOSB 15m     Thailand             E20WXA
26     E21EIC        SOSB 20m LP  Thailand
26     E21IZC        SOAB LP      Thailand             EA5KB
26     E21YDP        SOSB 40m     Thailand             E21YDP
26     HS0AC         M/S          Thailand             HS0ZFZ
26     HS6MYW/1      SOAB LP      Thailand             HS6MYW
26     HS8KAY        SOSB 20m     Thailand             HS8KAY
26     XU7MDY        SB           Cambodia             OH4MDY
26     XW1A          SO LP        Laos                 E21EIC
27     AH2R          M/S          Guam                 JH7QXJ
27     DX6M          M/S          Philippines          W6PDX
27     KH2X          SOAB HP      Guam                 qrz.com
28     9M2CNC        SOAB HP      West Malaysia        G4ZFE
28     VK9AA         M/S          Cocos (Keeling)      DL8YR
28     YE0X          M/S          Indonesia            YB0ZZ
29     VK6ANC        M/M or M/2   Australia            VK6NE
29     VK8NSB        SOAB         Australia            VK6NE
31     KH7Q          SOSB 20m     Hawii                VE3HO
31     KH7U          SOSB 15m     Hawaii               AH6NF
31     KH7X          SOSB 80m     Hawaii               K2PF
32     ZM2M          M/2          New Zealand          ZL2AL
33     7W2W          SOAB         Algeria              OK1CDJ
33     CN2R          SOSB 80m     Morocco              W7EJ
33     CN2ZR         SOSB 20m     Morocco              W7ZR
33     CN3A          M/S          Morocco              I2WIJ
33     CT3/HA5PP     SOSB         Madeira              HA5PP
33     CT3YA         M/S          Madeira              CQ9K
33     CT9L          M/2          Madeira              DJ6QT
33     EA8AH         M/2          Canary Islands       OH1RY
33     EF8A          M/?          Canary Isls          EA8URL
33     IG9B          SOSB 80m     (African) Italy      IV3ORM
33     IG9C          SOSB 160m    (African) Italy      IV3OWC
33     IG9R          SOSB 20m     (African) Italy      IK8HCG
33     IH9YMC        SOSB 15 or 10m LP (African) Italy IH9YMC
35     6W1RY         SOAB HP      Senegal              F5VHJ
35     3XM6JR        SO           Guinea               UA6JR
35     C52T          SO           The Gambia           G0TSM
37     5Z1A          SOSB 20m HP  Kenya                PA1AW
38     3DA0WW        M/?          Swaziland            ZS6DXB
38     ZS9X          M/?          South Africa         qrz.com
Do not forget to give a  look to the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by Bill, NG3K at http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqs2006.html - good contest to  you

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

HB0 JUBILEE CERTIFICATE ---> Amateurfunk Verein Liechtenstein (AFVL, the IARU
society for HB0) sponsors a Jubilee Certificate for contacts made with  their
club station (HB0FL) and AFVL members from 1 January 2006 through 31 December
2007. The certificate commemorates the 200th  anniversary of the  sovereignty
of the Principality  of Liechtenstein,  as well  as the  20th anniversary  of
AFVL. The certificate is available to either licenced amateurs and SWLs, full
information can be found at http://www.afvl.li/ [TNX HB0TW]

QSL VIA CT1GFK ---> Toze reports that all of the direct requests for CU8F and
CU8T have been processed  and mailed out.  Toze is the  QSL manager also  for
CQ1A, CQ1C, CQ4I, CT1A, CT7A, CS0RCL (EU-167 and EU-145), CU4M and CU4T.

VP6UU ---> Larry,  N0UU [425DXN 805]  operated from Pitcairn  (OC-044) on  22
October (341 QSOs), Henderson Island (OC-056) on the 23rd (74 QSOs) and Ducie
Island (OC-182) on the 24th (89 QSOs). QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]

ZL8R ---> The Microlite Penguins Dxpedition to Raoul Island in the  Kermadecs
went QRT at 22 UTC on 17 October after 40,000+ QSOs (26053 CW, 12999 SSB  and
1378 RTTY, plus  five 6m  EME contacts).  The operators  were EI6FR,  HB9ASZ,
K9ZO, N0TT, N6MZ, VK6DXI, W7EW and 9V1YC and the total on-air operating  time
was just over 7 days. Transceivers consisted of six, brand new Icom  IC-7000s
kindly sponsored by Icom America  and antennas were  all simple wire  dipoles
strung up in  the surrounding  pine trees.  The band/mode  breakdowns are  as
Band      CW      SSB      RTTY      Total
1.8      643       -         -         643
3.5     2488      551        -        3039
7       4702     1450        -        6152
10      4707       -        454       5161
14      4571     4222        -        8793
18      3531     1541       353       5425
21      3659     3659       571       7889
24      1148     1012        -        2160
28       604      564        -        1168
The continental  percentages are  North America  39%, Asia  30%, Europe  26%,
Oceania 3%, South America 1%, Africa 1%. Almost all of the expenses for  this
trip were paid by the  team members themselves.  But given the  extraordinary
expense it takes to charter a ship to a remote island in the Pacific for  two
weeks, they say, "we hope that  each and every DXer  will help contribute  to
this endeavor, either by donations with your QSL cards to our manager  VE3XN,
or by joining the Northern California DX Foundation".

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

LOGS:    Latest news  and on-line  logs (29,634  QSOs uo  to 18.58  UTC on  26
         October) for XF4DL can be found at http://www.logsearch.de/.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3A/F5VKV    IZ1EGT      EM10I       UT5IM       MU3SDE      M3SDE
3C0M        EA5BYP      EM10J       UU7JM       OD5PL       HB9CRV
3XD2Z       UA6JR       EM10K       US7KA       OD5RZ       YO3FRI
4A7L        WA3HUP      EM10L       UR5LO       OK4RQ       OK1DRQ
4K5D        K2PF        EM10M       UR3MP       ON4JOTA     ON4GDV
4K9W        DL6KVA      EM10T       UR7TO       PJ4/W9NJY   WD9DZV
4L0F        2M0UUA      EM10U       UT3UZ       R1ANC       UA1PAC
4L1FP       LZ1OT       EM10V       UR5VDA      R1FJT       UA4RC
4N6FZ       DD5FZ       GB4GIN      M5AFY       S21B        KX7YT
4U1UN       HB9BOU      GT0STH      G4DIY       S9SS        N4JR
5V7BR       F2VX        HA502EOA    HA2EOA      SD3N        SM3NXS
5W0AX       ON5AX       HA505KY     HA5KY       SG3U        SM3CXS
5Z1A        PA1AW       HA505MK     HA5MK       SM7DAY/p    SM7DAY
6K2CEW/4    6K2CEW      HA506OI     HA6OI       SM7NGH/p    SM7NGH
6W1RY       F5VHJ       HA508KW     HA8KW       SN0JP       SP9PKZ
6W1SA       F4BIT       HA509MDN    HA9MDN      SP0JOTA     SP6YFU
6Y3T        CT1ILT      HA509MDZ    HA9MDZ      SU9FL       WD9DZV
7Q7HB       G0IAS       HF740KO     SP1NQF      SV0XAI/9    LA4XFA
7X5JF       DJ8QP       HG20129A    HA1CW       TM6MXP      F5KFL
8J3YAGI     JA3YKC      HI2/IW2OAZ  IW2OAZ      UE4HDA      RW4HB
8J7YAGI     JA7YAA      HI3TEJ      ON4IQ       UN7MMM      EA7FTR
8R1EA       AH8DX       HQ4R        W3HNK       UN8GF       IZ8CCW
9G5FD       G3XTT       HZ1ZH       EA7FTR      V26BZR      W2BZR
9H3EE       NE8Z        IO0SRT      IZ0BTV      V26G        N2ED
9H3L        DL8WAA      IO1SRT      IZ1GJK      V26HS       WB4WXE
9M2CNC      G4ZFE       IO2SRT      I2JJR       V26JN       WX3B
9N7MV       JA0UMV      IO3SRT      IV3ZXQ      V26MH       HB9OCR
9Q1D        SM5BFJ      IO5SRT      IZ5BTC      V26OC       N3OC
A47JOTA     A47RS       IO6SRT      IZ6FZS      V26R        KA2AEV
AT6MYL      VU2SWS      IO7SRT      IZ7FLT      V31HK       DL7BC
BD1NNI      EA7FTR      IO8SRT      IK8WEJ      VK8NSB      VK6NE
BY1DX       OH2BH       IQ3UD       IV3DSH      VP2MDY      WA7NB
C33IU       G0OYH       IR0SRT      IS0LFZ      VP2MHX      W4WX
C52T        G0TSM       IR2JOTA     IK2YCW      VP2MQD      K4QD
CN2R        W7EJ        IR3SRT      IN3JJI      VP6UU       N0UU
CN8IG       EA7FTR      IU2FV       IQ2MI       VP8DBR      G0SWC
CU2DX       CU2AA       IU8SRT      IZ8GGF      XF4DL       XE1KK   (a)
DL2AQI/HI9  DH7WW       J28JA       F5JFU       XF4DL       N6AWD   (b)
DL4JS/HI9   DH7WW       J37LR       VE3EBN      XF4DL       DL9NDS  (c)
DL8AKI/HI9  DH7WW       J37T        VE3EBN      XU7AGO      JA7AGO
DS2GOO/4    DS2GOO      JV800BV     JT1BV       XU7MDY      OH4MDY
DS3HWS/4    DS3HWS      JV800CS     JT1CS       XX9TKK      XE1KK
DT8A        HL2FDW      JW6RHA      LA6RHA      YB0DPO      K3AIR
DU1IST/1    JP1IOF      JW7QIA      LA7QIA      YN2N        TI2OHL
ED5STE      EA5GQK      LU4ZS       LU4DXU      YU150QQ     YU1QQ
ED6FPN      EA6SB       LX1JAM      LX2A        YV1RDX      IT9DAA
ED7RCO      EA7CFU      LZ1900K     LZ1BJ       Z36A        DJ0LZ
EM10E       UR5EDX      MU0JZE      MW0JZE      ZB2CN       DJ9WH

(a) Mexico only
(b) rest of the Americas
(c) rest of the world

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

8P9NX    Peter Cross, 90 Greenpoint, St. Philip, Barbados
9N7JO    Stig Lindblom, Jum Changphimai 147/1 - Moo 3, Tambon Boot, Ban Ta
         Bong, Phimai, TH-30110 Nakhon Ratchashima, Thailand
BG4BRN   Mao Shuliang, 1673 Lane No. 2, Room 601, Shanghai 200135, China
DL9NDS   Uwe Scherf, Itzgrund 15, 95512 Neudrossenfeld, Germany
EA5BYP   Elmo Bernabe Coll, P.O. Box 3097, 03080 Alicante, Spain
F5JFU    Pierre Desseneux, Le Bourg, 58140 St Martin du Puy, France
G0TSM    Darren Collins, 6 Chalvington Road, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO53 3DX,
JA0UMV   Tohru Kataoka, 15-9 Sakae, Kamo, Niigata 959-1382, Japan
N6AWD    Fred K. Stenger, 6000 Hesketh Dr, Bakersfield CA 93309, USA
OH4MDY   Reijo Laitinen, Mantytie 13, 76940 Nenonpelto, Finland
UA1PAC   Alan Kuz'menko, P.O.Box 599, Arkhangelsk, 163000, Russia
UR3MP    P.O. Box 50, Perevalsk, 94300, Ukraine
XE1KK    Ramon Santoyo V., Apartado Postal 19-564, Mexico, D.F. 03901, Mexico
ZD7M     Michael D. Dersham, Rose Bower, P.O. Box 114, Jamestown, St. Helena
         Island, South Atlantic
W3HNK    Joseph Arcure Jr, 115 Buck Run Road, Lincoln University, PA 19352,

                 425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org
                 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org
                 425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000


                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org)
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                                 MAILING LIST

                    Please visit the "Mailing List" page at
        and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions
                   or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                   Stefano Turci, IK4WMH (ik4wmh@425dxn.org)


                            Direttore Responsabile
                             Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia


©425DXN by I1JQJ since 1991

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