425 DX News issue #828

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   17 March 2007                                         A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                    No 828
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5W      - The Swains island team has cancelled the 16-19 April operation  from
          Tokelau [425DXN 825]  and has rescheduled  5W5AA to  be active  from
          Samoa on 17-24 April. N8S (Swains Island) is still confirmed to take
          place on 4-15 April. [TNX YZ1EW]
C5      - Once again Darren, G0TSM will be  on holiday in The Gambia on  20-27
          March. He will operate CW and SSB on 160-6 metres as C52T, and  will
          take part in  the CQ WW  WPX SSB Contest.  QSL via  home call.  [TNX
C6      - Foster, W1CGT will  be active  as C6AWN  from the  islands of  South
          Andros (NA-001) and New Providence (NA-001), Bahamas on 19-26 March.
          He will be on 40 and 20 metres for sure, maybe other bands as  well.
          QSL via home call. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
F       - F5IRC, F5THW, F5UBH and F4CTJ will  be active as TM5CI from  Chausey
          Island (EU-039) on 22-25 March. They  plan to operate SSB, CW,  RTTY
          and PSK31 on 80,  40 and 20  metres. QSL via  F5UBH. [TNX F5NQL  and
J7      - Bob, WB2NVR (J79RS)  and Mike, WA2VQW  (J79VQ) will  be active  from
          Dominica starting on 21 March for six days. They will participate in
          the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as J75RZ (QSL via W2RZS, direct or bureau)
          and will  concentrate on  the low  bands before  and after  the  WPX
          event. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
JA      - Look for Kenji, JA4GXS/4 to be active from Ohzu Island (AS-117, JIIA
          AS-117-110), Yamaguchi Prefecture on 17 March.  He plans to  operate
          CW on  the HF  bands. QSL  via home  call,  direct or  bureau.  [TNX
OD      - Salvo, IV3YIM is working in Lebanon until 30 April. He is active  as
          OD5/IV3YIM, usually on  40 metres  SSB after  19 UTC.  QSL via  home
          call, direct or bureau. [TNX IT9YMM]
OH0     - Toni, OH2UA  and Martti,  OH2BH will  activate OH0B  from the  Aland
          Islands in the Russian DX Contest (17-18 March). Besides taking part
          in the Contest, they will provide QSOs on WARC bands. QSL via OH2BH.
          [TNX OH2BN]
OZ      - Mike, DK5NA will be active as OZ/DK5NA from Romo Island (EU-125)  on
          18-30 March. He will operate CW on 160-40 metres. QSL via home call.
          [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
PY      - PY3CQ, PY3KN,  PY3NZ and  PY3FOX, from  the Amateur  Radio  Scouting
          Association Baependi (PY3UEB) will be active as PP5/homecall/LH from
          Santa Marta  Light (ARLHS  BRA-187) on  17-20  March. QSL  via  home
          calls, direct or bureau. [TNX PY3CQ]
SM      - SG60RK (SG Six Zero RK) will  be aired from Gotland Island  (EU-020)
          until the end of year to celebrate the 60th anniversary of  Gotlands
          Radioamatorklubb  (SK1BL).  All  of  the  QSOs  will  be   confirmed
          automatically via the bureau. [TNX SM1TDE]
YI      - Iraq Amateur  Radio  Society  (IARS)  President  Diya  Sayah,  YI1DZ
          reports that all amateur radio  activity in Iraq  - by either  Iraqi
          citizens and  foreigners -  has been  suspended until  the  security
          situation there improves. The request to halt all ham radio activity
          and the issuance of licenses in  Iraq originated with a letter  from
          the Iraqi Ministry of Defense to  Iraqi Prime Minister as part of  a
          new security plan. [TNX ARRL]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

BELARUS ---> Vladimir  Sidorov, EU1SA  reports that  amateur radio  operators
from Belarus are  now allowed to  use EV#x contest  callsigns in addition  to
their ordinary  call.  The following  callsigns  were recently  issued:  EV1R
(EU1PA), EV2A (EW2AA), EV2M (EW1CQ) and EV7E (EW7EW).

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  ---> 17  March 2007  marks the  10 year  anniversary of  the
inaugural issue of  The Daily DX,  edited and published  by Bernie  McClenny,
W3UR. Full  information on  this first  class DX  bulletin  can be  found  at

QSL II7ICT ---> Alberto (IT9MRM) apologizes for the mistake and says that the
correct QSL route for II7ICT is via IZ7EDQ (not IZ7AUH, 425DXN #827).

QSL J20MM & J20RR ---> Silvano, I2YSB reports that all of the direct requests
received so far (2,300+) have been processed and mailed.

SWL CATEGORY  ---> Dan  Rolla,  I1-12387/IW1QLA has  compiled  a list  of  44
contests for licenced amateurs that also include the SWL category. It can  be
found at http://www.mdxc.org/swl/contests.html  and it will  be updated on  a
regular basis.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3DA0AM      EI7CC       D60VB       UA4WHX      R0UPOL      F8DVD
3DA0DJ      EI7CC       DP0GVN      DL5EBE      RA9LI/9     UA9LP
3DA0GI      EI7CC       DR400PG     DM3ZF       RK1G        RZ3LC
3DA0GV      EI7CC       E51PJT      G3PJT       RW0AJ       W3HNK
3DA0PB      EI7CC       EK6LP       IK2DUW      RX9UL/8     RV3ACA
3DA0PM      EI7CC       EK6TA       DJ0MCZ      SC300VL     SK6HD
3DA0RH      EI7CC       EV5IPY      EW4IDP      SE50A       SM4AIO
3XD2Z       RW3AZ       EX2M        W3HNK       SI9AM       SM3CVM
3XM6JR      UA6JR       EX2X        EA5KB       ST2R        S57DX
4K0CW       DL6KVA      EY8AW       DJ1MM       SU0ARA      DL1BDF (a)
4K9W        DL6KVA      FK8GX       W3HNK       SU0FEC      pirate
4L4CC       RV1CC       GP0STH      G4DIY       SU8DLH      DK2CL
4L8A        DJ1CW       H44MS       DL2GAC      SU9FL       WD9DZV
5I3A        UA9XC       H7A         TI4SU       T33AA       pirate
5R8FL       G3SWH       HC1MD/HD7   K8LJG       T88ME       7N1RTO
5R8VB       UA4WHX      HD2A        EA5KB       TC0DX       OK2GZ
5T3TN       RW3TN       HF40PAZ     SP6DVP      TG9AKH      OK1DOT
5V7SE       IK3GES      HF50IU      SP2IU       TK5XN       F2YT
5W0RE       HA8IB       HF50OP      SP6ZJP      TL8QC       F5NRY
5W1VE       DL9HCU      HG3IPA      HA3JB       TM3CY       F5KMB
6H1IM       XE1IM       HI9CF       DL4NCF      TM4IPY      F8DVD
6V7E        RW3TN       HK6K        EA5KB       TM4ORE      F6KFW
6W/DL6CT    DL6CT       HP3XBH      W4WX        TM5P        F4ELJ
6W/DL7CM    DL7CM       HU1X        YT1AD       TO5A        F5VHJ
6W/DM2AYO   DM2AYO      HV0A        IK0FVC      TR8CA       F6CBC
6W1SA       F4BIT       IA4IPY      IK4QIB      TT8FC       EA4AHK
6W1SE       JR2KDN      IA7IPY      IK7JWY      UA0AZ       W3HNK
6W2SC       HA3AUI      II7ARI      IQ7MU       UE0SZB      RZ0SB
6Y1ND       K6ND        J5BI        F6BUM       UE1SNA/P    RA1QQ
7X0MT       F5MSR       J5UAP       HA3AUI      V25XF       G3TXF
7X2EB       EA7FTR      J5UAR       DL7CM       V31JP       KA9WON
8J3YAGI     JA3YKC      J70SWD      SM0CCM      V31LG       W9GL
8P1A        NN1N        J79XBI      SM0FWW      V85NL       JA4ENL
8P2K        KU9C        J8/W0AW     W0AW        VK6ARI      VK6NE
8P9JG       NN1N        JW/IN3SAU   IN3SAU      VK6LB/5     DL7AFS
8R1AK/P     8R1AK       K4V         WA4PGM      VK6ZG/5     DL7AFS
9H9JR       DJ0QJ       K5I         W5MPC       VP2EBY      HB9BYL
9L1DIR      EA4URE      KH7X        K2PF        VP2ERT      HB9TRT
9M4SDX      9M2TO       KP3A        W3HNK       VP5H        W0GJ
9M6BRC      9M6ST       LA2SKIWC    LA2D        VP8KF       G3VPW
9M6DXX      M5AAV       LZ07IPY     LZ3SM       W4V         NW4V
9M6XRO      M5AAV       LZ129LO     LZ1KZA      WP2Z        KU9C
9Q5MO       pirate      LZ2007EU    LZ1BJ       WP3C        W3HNK
A61NT       ON5NT       MJ0ASP      F5SHQ       XT2SE       IK3GES
A61TX       W4JS        N4V         KT4U        XU7DFM      JA3DFM
AA8LL/4     AA8LL       OD5/IV3YIM  IV3YIM      XU7EGZ      JA3EGZ
AH7ZA       W8QZA       OE4A        OE1EMS      XU7PPH      JA3EGZ
BA4DW/7     BA4DW       ON60EKO     ON4EKO      XU7TZG      ON7PP
CE/LU1FAM   AC7DX       ON60HRT     ON4HRT      YB0ECT      K3AIR
CE1/K7CA    NW7O        OQ5M        ON5ZO       YB1AQV      N2KFC
CE4CT       EA5KB       OR7A        ON7CK       YI9E        WU5E
CN8KD       EA5XX       OR7Y        ON7YX       YI9GT       SP3GTS
CN8NK       EA5XX       OX3PG       WA0SMQ      YM0DX       OK2GZ
CN8YE       EA7FTR      OY4TN       ON5UR       ZA/UT7DW    DK6CW
CN8YZ       EA7FTR      P3J         5B4AHJ      ZD8I        G4LTI
CO2NB       EA5KB       P40LE       K2LE        ZD9BCB      SQ8AQD
CO6XN       N3ZOM       P49MR       VE3MR       ZL7/KH0PR   JJ8DEN
CU1CB       EA5KB       PJ4G        WA2NHA      ZL9B        pirate
CU2A        OH2BH       PJ5NA       K1NA        ZP0R        W3HNK
D2EEX       CT1EEX      PJ7B        W8EB        ZS6CCY      K3PD

(a) 3-12 March 2007

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

8R1AK    Esmond Jones, P.O. Box 10868, Georgetown, Guyana
9M2TO    Tex Izumo, 2C-10-03 Mutiara Apt., Jln. Sungai Emas, 11100 Batu
         Ferringhi, Penang, Malaysia
BG7IXG   Yang Weiwen, P.O. Box 599, Foshan GD 528000, China
DL2GAC   Bernhard Stefan, Moeggenweiler Str.18, 88677 Markdorf, Germany
DL6CT    Manuel Kinschus, Seestr. 11, 15848 Herzberg, Germany
DL7CM    Hans-Rainer Uebel, Hartmannsdorfer Chaussee 3, 15528 Spreenhagen,
DM2AYO   Siegfried Blechschmidt, Brassenpfad 66, 12557 Berlin - Koepenick,
EI7CC    Peter Ball, 21 Doonamana Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland
EW4IDP   Dmitrij Kuzneckij, P.O. Box 19, 230025 Grodno, Belarus
F5NRY    Christian Quintin, 89 Avenue du General de Gaulle, Villa Sigurd,
         F-44380 Pornichet, France
HA3JB    Kutasi Gabor, P.O. Box 243, H-8601 Siofok, Hungary
IV3YIM   Salvo Vitale, P.O. Box 52, 34170 Gorizia - GO, Italy
JA4GXS   Kenji Sasaki, 2-15 Ishikannon-cyo, Yamaguchi-City, 753-0038 Japan
JJ8DEN   Yoshitake Izumi, Minami-24-7, Nishi-1, Obihiro-City, Hokkaido
         080-0011, Japan
N2D      Mid Florida DX Association, P.O. Box 341471, Tampa, FL 33694-1471,
OK2GZ    Jaroslav Kelar, Generala Svobody 1200, Unicov 783 91, Czech Republic
RZ1OA   Vlad Sadakov, P.O. Box 48, Arkhangelsk, 163045, Russia
S57DX    Slavko Celarc, Ob Igriscu 8, 1360 Vrhnika, Slovenia
SQ8AQD   Stan, P.O. Box 8, 38-600 Lesko, Poland

                 425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org
                 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org
                 425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000


                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org)
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                                 MAILING LIST

                    Please visit the "Mailing List" page at
        and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions
                   or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                   Stefano Turci, IK4WMH (ik4wmh@425dxn.org)


                            Direttore Responsabile
                             Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia


Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
A.R.I. HF & Award Manager
E-mail: i1jqj@ari.it
Skype: i1jqj  


        *** The PacketCluster network 425 DX News search tool commands ***

SH/425 CAL          shows the 425DXN Calendar "current" activities;
SH/425 BULL [num]   where [num] is the bulletin issue number;
SH/425 [text]       where [text] should be replaced with  a callsign, an  IOTA
                    reference number,  an island  name, an  Antarctic base,  a
                    lighthouse, etc. 

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