425 DX News issue #855

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22 September 2007                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 855
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  IK1ADH & I1JQJ
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

1A      - 1A3A is the callsign to be used  for the first time ever from  SMOM
          during the CQ WW DX SSB Contest [425DXN 854]. Outside the  contest,
          expect the team to be signing 1A4A. This operation, like the  first
          1A4A earlier  this year,  will help  collecting  funds to  build  a
          school for  young girls  (see http://www.1a4a.org),  as part  of  a
          support plan  for the  rebirth of  South  Sudan. If  interested  in
          contributing to the fundraising, please visit www.mdxc.org/1a4a
3A      - Ghis, ON5NT reports  he will be  active holiday  style as  3A/ON5NT
          from Monaco on 24-28 September. QSL via home call.
3D2_rot - Tony, 3D2AG/FO5RK reports that his trip to Rotuma is now  scheduled
          from 15 December to 20 January.  He will be active on 10-80  metres
          SSB and CW, plus digital modes if local power conditions allow  him
          to use a computer. Tony will use Spiderbeam antennas, solar  panels
          and/or a generator and no linear amplifier. QSL direct to 3D2AG  or
          FO5RK   (see    qrz.com).   Updates    will   be    available    at
          http://www.3d2ag.fr.tc/ [TNX 3D2AG/FO5RK]
4X      - Hal/W8HC,  Jerry/K8OQL  and  a  group   of  local  operators   will
          participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as 4X0C (Multi-Single) from
          the IARC  Club Station  in Reut  (4X4REM),  Israel. QSL  via  W8HC,
          direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [TNX W8HC]
7Q      - Once again Ely, IN3VZE will be  active holiday style as 7Q7CE  from
          Malawi on 4-25 October. QSL via  home call, direct or bureau.  [TNX
8R      - Holger, DK6XR and Martin, DK8XT  will operate CW,  SSB and RTTY  as
          8R1XR and 8R1XT  from Georgetown, Guyana  from 30  September to  13
          October. QSL via home calls. [TNX DK6XR]
9A      - Tom, 9A2AA  will be  active as  9A73AA from  1 October  through  30
          September 2008. He says  this special callsign  has been issued  to
          mark the  50th  anniversary of  his  continous  membership  in  the
          Croatian Amateur Radio Association. QSL via 9A2AA.
9H      - Colin, G3VCQ reports he will be active as 9H3WC from Malta (EU-023)
          from 22 September until 3 October.  He plans to operate CW and  SSB
          holiday style.
A5      - Ed, N1UR will be active as A52UR from Bhutan from 28 September to 2
          October. He  plans to  operate CW  and SSB  on all  bands. QSL  via
          K2RET. [TNX NG3K]
C5      - C50C is the callsign issued to the OM0C Contest Crew for use during
          the CQ WW SSB Contest. Before and after the contest, from 17 to  30
          October, the six operators will be  active C52C [425DXN #825].  QSL
          for both calls via OM2FY, direct  or bureau. The  web site for  the
          expedition is at http://www.om0c.com/gambia/index.html
C5      - Jan, PA4JJ (http://c56jj.pa4jj.nl)  will be active  again as  C56JJ
          from The Gambia from 30 November until 7 December. He will run  100
          watts into wire or vertical antennas on 10-80 metres, with some  6m
          activity if  conditions are  good. QSL  via  home call,  direct  or
          bureau. [TNX PA4JJ]
C9      - Rodrigo, CT1BXT will be active as C91R from Mozambique until August
          2008. His preferred mode is RTTY;  for the time being he is  active
          on 20 metres with 100 watts and a dipole, but he hopes to put up  a
          5-band beam for 10,  12, 15, 17  and 20m. QSL  via home call.  [TNX
C9      - Wayne, W5KDJ will  be active  as C91KDJ from   Mozambique on  15-28
          November. He will operate  on 160-10 metres  CW (maybe also  RTTY),
          with a focus on 160 and 80 metres. QSL via home call. Logs will  be
          uploaded      to      LoTW.       Further      information       at
EA      - Ramon, EA3EJI and other operator  will be active  on all bands  and
          modes as AM3MM from  the Benedectine abbey  of Montserrat on  22-24
          September. QSL is via EA3MM, direct or bureau. [TNX K1XN]
EU      - Vitaly, EV6C and  Roman, EW6TT will  operate CW and  SSB as  EV5AGB
          from Tolochin  in Vitebsk  region of  Belarus on  21-23  September.
          Information on  the  Activity Group  of  Belarus,  including  their
          contest    and    award    programmes,    can    be    found     at
          http://ev5agb.com/index.htm [TNX EU1EU and I1-21171]
F       - Special station TM0VDM will be active on 6-19 October to  celebrate
          the 100th anniversary of the  birth of the  writer Maxence Van  der
          Meersch (1907-1951). QSL via F5KEB. [TNX F1SIU]
HK0_sa  - Tom/K3WT, Vlad/N0STL,  Bill/W0OR and  Ron/N0AT  will be  active  as
          HK0/homecall from  San Andres  Island (NA-033)  on 19-27  November.
          They  will  participate  in  the  CQ  WW  DX  CW  Contest  as  5J0A
          (Multi-Single). QSL 5J0A via W0JAR, others  via home calls,  direct
          or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
HR      - QRZ-DX reports that the 23-28 September operation from Swan  Island
          [425DXN  854]  has  been  cancelled  because  of  a  transportation
          problem. Javier, HR2J "is having difficulty in locating a  suitable
          boat to make the voyage".
I       - Weather permitting,  IK4GLV,  IK4JPR, IK4RUX  and  IZ4ISX  will  be
          active from  the  island of  Caroman  (EU-131, IIA  VE-044)  on  23
I       - Gery/HB9TQF,     Piero/I1ASU,     Dario/I2ROQ,     Giordano/IK0XFD,
          Salvatore/IK1AWV, Luca/IK8TLX, Paolo/IW8DQY and Carmine/IZ8FEN will
          be active as IQ1IM/p from Gallinara Island (EU-083, IIA SV-001)  on
          29-30 September. They plan to operate SSB and CW (maybe also PSK31)
          on 10-80 metres. QSL via IZ1JLN. This operation is in memory of the
          late Alessio Ortona, I1BYH. [TNX I1ASU]
I       - ARI Velletri  members IK0ADY,  IK0JBF, IK0OXK,  IK0UUM, IK0WHN  and
          IZ0ENB will be active as IB0/IQ0VL  from Ventotene Island  (EU-045)
          from 27 September to 1 October. They plan to operate SSB, CW, PSK31
          and FM on 10-40 metres as well as on the VHF and UHF bands. QSL via
          IK0WHN (direct) or IQ0VL (bureau). [TNX IK0WHN]
I       - Special event station II8MM will be active on 7-12 November for the
          3rd annual  DX  Meeting  organized  by  the  Mediterraneo  DX  Club
          (http://www.mdxc.org/meeting.asp). QSL via IZ8EPY. [TNX IZ8CCW]
J3      - AC8G, K0RH, K1EP, KA7KUZ, KI4QCS, N0RB, N7AZ, W8CAA, W8GEX,  W8KKF,
          WA8LOW and WC4D will be active from Grenada on 24-31 October. W8GEX
          will be signing J3K and AC8G will be signing J37K, theo thers  will
          use  homecall/J3.  QSL  via  operator's  instructions.  They   will
          participate in the CQ WW DX  SSB Contest as J3A in the  Multi-Multi
          category (QSL via  WA1S). Expect  various other  modes outside  the
          contest, and  operations on  the WARC  bands as  well as  60 and  6
          metres. [TNX AC8G]
J6      - Babs/DL7AFS, Lot/DJ7ZG and Ju/DL2ZAE (CW  operator) will be  active
          as J6/homecall  from St.  Lucia (NA-108)  from 23  September to  11
          October. They plan to have three  stations active on 160-6  metres.
          QSL via DL7AFS, direct or  bureau. The web  page for the  operation
          can be found at www.qsl.net/dl7afs [TNX The Daily DX]
KP2     - Palmer/K4FO, Dmytro/AK2P and Andrei/NP3D will be active as NP2/K4FO
          (QSL via home call), WP2/AK2P (QSL via home call) and KP2/NP3D (QSL
          via W3HNK and LoTW) from St.  Croix, US Virgin Islands (NA-106)  on
          23-30 September. They will participate in the CQ WW DX RTTY Contest
          as KP2/NP3D, outside the contest expect activity on all bands RTTY,
          CW and SSB. [TNX NP3D]
OJ0     - The planned OJ0B  DXpedition for this  past weekend's  Scandinavian
          Activity Contest [425DXN  854] got stuck  due to  bad weather.  The
          team landed  on  Market  Reef  early  in  the  UTC  morning  of  18
          September, and still plans to operate until the 24th.
PJ7     - Bernd/DH1ND,  Joern/DG5XJ  and  Juergen/DJ5HD  will  be  active  as
          PJ7/homecall from  Sint Maarten  (NA-105) on  15-28 November.  They
          will also go and operate as FS/homecall from St. Martin during that
          time frame. Expect them to be  active on 160-10 metres CW, SSB  and
          RTTY/PSK31. QSL via home calls, direct or bureu. [TNX DJ5HD]
SM      - Fred/SM7DAY (as SM7DAY/7), Frank/DL2SWW  (as SD7W), Tom/DL2RTK  (as
          SE7TK) and  Ric/DL2VFR (as  SD7V) will  be active  from Ven  Island
          (EU-137) on 6-13  October. They plan  to operate CW,  SSB and  RTTY
          high power. QSL via home calls, bureau preferred. If going  direct,
          please note that one new IRC is all right, but "2 USD barely  cover
          the postage to outside EU". [TNX DL2VFR, www.iota-expedition.com]
T3      - Toshi, JA8BMK [425DXN 848]  will be leaving  Japan on 23  September
          and arrive at Tarawa  (OC-017), West Kiribati  on the 25th. He will
          be active from there as T30XX for 7-10 days. Then, after a  5-6-day
          voyage, he will reach Kanton Island  (OC-043), Central Kiribati and
          operate as T31XX for 1-2 weeks. He  plans to operate on  all  bands
          (160-6   metres)  and  modes  with  a  small  linear  amplifier,  a
          4-element for 10, 15 and 20m, a  rotary dipole for 12, 17 and  30m,
          dipoles and a vertical for 40, 80 and 160m and a 4-element for  6m.
          QSL via JA8UWT, direct only. [TNX NG3K]
VK      - Masanori, JO2SLZ  (VK1ANU)  will be  active  from  Kangaroo  Island
          (OC-139, VK5) on 28-30 September. He will operate CW on 80, 40, 20,
          17 and 15  metres with 100  watts and wire  antennas. QSL via  home
          call. [TNX JO2SLZ]
VK9W    - George, AA7JV and Tomi, HA7RY plan  to stop for one day (around  22
          September) at Chilcott  Islet (OC-267) during  their voyage to  the
          Willis Islands [425DXN 851]. They expect to arrive on Willis on  23
          September and to start operating as VK9WWI the evening of the  24th
          (or one  day earlier,  if they  are not  able  to find  a  suitable
          anchorage on Chilcott) until 4 October. [TNX K4UJ]
VP2E    - Andy, DL5CW and Marina, DM5YL will be active from Anguilla (NA-022)
          on 8-26  November, CQ  WW DX  CW Contest  included. Probably  their
          callsigns will  be VP2EDL  and VP2EDM,  and  they plan  to  operate
          mostly CW (Andy) and RTTY/PSK31 (Marina)  on the HF bands. QSL  via
          home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX DL5CW]
ZF      - Don/W4YCH   (ZF2DF),   Bob/W6BO   (ZF2BO),   Janet/W6JND   (ZF2JD),
          Larry/W6OMF (ZF2LH), Sue/K6SUE (ZF2MH) and Jim/W4JO (ZF2JO) will be
          active from  the Cayman  Islands (NA-016)  from 24  September to  1
          October. They will  participate in  the CQ  WW DX  RTTY Contest  as
          ZF2DF (Multi-Two), outside  the contest the  group will spend  some
          time on 160-6 metres. QSL each station via home call. [TNX W4JO]

PACIFIC TRIP --->  Jack, HB9TL (VK6CTL)  will be active  as VK9CLF from  Lord
Howe Island  (OC-004) on  8-17  October and  as  VK9CNF from  Norfolk  Island
(OC-005) on  19-25 October.  He plans  to operate  SSB on  10-80 metres.  QSL
direct to HB9QR. [TNX HB9TL]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  IK1ADH & I1JQJ
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

                                >>> 3B7C <<<

Many thanks to John, G3WGV  for forwarding the  following update coming  from
the 3B7C team at St. Brandon.

  3B7C passed  the 100,000 QSO  mark earlier today  (20 September, Ed.).  Our
DXCC total is also at 187 - quite remarkable. We have been posting occasional
updates on our web page, but felt this was a good moment for a more  complete
update. Our data link with the outside world is limited to a satellite uplink
and the priority has  been daily log  uploads. We are  very pleased with  the
feedback on our web page, especially the novel features on the log lookup and
the band/mode listings.
  The  team is in  good spirits and  all equipment and  antennas are  working
well. We are particularly pleased  at the way  we have been  able to run  two
modes simultaneously on both 80 and 20 right from the start. In the last  few
days we have also added a limited capability to do this on 15 and 17 to  make
the most of  limited band  openings. The  disappointment has  been that  band
openings have been somewhat more limited than we had hoped and propagation on
all bands varies substantially from day to day so we ask forbearance from the
DX community - we try to hit all major band openings when conditions  permit.
Noise levels  also vary  substantially from  day to  day on  the LF  bands  -
yesterday was good and we were  able to work a number of  US stations on  160
  The good news is that we have some real successes, for example working  the
US West Coast on 160 at our  sunset, and consistent West Coast openings  both
short- and long-path on 80 and  40. We started  RTTY operations last  weekend
and currently have about 3.5k RTTY QSOs in the log, many stations telling  us
that 3B7 is new for them on that mode. However, and with some reluctance,  we
have decided not to work PSK31 as we feel this will very much be a repeat  of
those stations we have already worked on  RTTY (and bearing in mind that  the
RTTY DXCC does not differentiate between data modes), whereas there is  still
a huge  demand on  all the  traditional modes.  Indeed, this  is perhaps  the
greatest surprise - that with so many QSOs made from 3B7 in recent weeks  the
pile-ups remain at a very high level when bands are open.
  Our  beacon has been  running continuously on  six meters, but  we have  no
reports of reception apart from VQ9.  Nonetheless we will keep trying as this
will be a new one for the Deserving.
  We will be very QRV over this coming weekend, trying to work round the  SAC
SSB contest where  possible (e.g. by  working RTTY and/or  CW on those  bands
during the 24 hours of the contest). Station break-down will start on  Monday
24th, though we will  try to keep  at least some  stations QRV until  shortly
before our departure  for Mauritius at  first light on  Wednesday 26th  (i.e.
around 0200 GMT).  We have already  been making  efforts to  work US  General
Class licencees in  their limited  band segments  and will,  as promised,  be
looking for QRS CW stations during the last few days of activity.
  Keep checking the website (3b7c.com)  for the latest news, and expect  more
backgrounds, statistics,  photos, etc,  on our  return  to our  various  home

NA-243 ---> On-line logs and several nice pictures for the recent OX/PA3EXX/p
operation     from     Rathbone      Island     can      be     found      at

QSL HP3/K1YJ ---> Jay Mills, K1YJ operated as HP3/K1YJ earlier this year.  He
is now moving to Panama and, effective immediately, all QSLs for HP3/K1YJ and
Jay's anticipated future HP3 callsign will be handled by W4JS. [TNX K1XN  and
The Golist]

QSL NA-206 ---> All direct QSLs  received so far  for NN7A/NL7 (NA-206,  July
2007) were in  the mail  as of  14 September.  QSLs from  NF7E/KL7 and  KL1YY
should be sent out shortly. About  1000 QSOs (700 CW and  300 SSB) were  made
during the five-day operation. QSL each operator via his home call, direct or
bureau. [TNX NN7A]

+ SILENT KEY + Former ARI President  Alessio Ortona, I1BYH passed away on  17
September at 79 years of age.


QSLs received direct or through managers: 1A4A, 3B7SP, 3B8CF, 3XD2Z,  4U1ITU,
5B4AGC, 5B4AIF, 5H3RK, 5N6EAM, 5N9SJA, 6H1AY,  6W1SE, 7P8DX, 7U5CI  (AF-104),
8Q7DD, 9G5AC, 9M6BAA, 9N7JO, A25HQ, A25KDJ, AH2L, BD7KLO/5 (AS-141), BD7KLO/7
(AS-131), BS7H,  C98APE  (AF-066),  C98GLO  (AF-072),  CX2AM,  DA0HQ,  DP0GVN
GB4IPY,  GS0GRC/p,  HF0POL,  HI0C  (NA-122),  HP2/CX2AM  (NA-170),  HP2/CX4CR
(NA-170), HS72B,  IH9P  (AF-018), IM0/IK5XCT  (EU-041),K4L  (NA-141),  KH6ZM,
KH7Y, KL3R,  LA1CI,  LX1DA, LY2ZZ,  N8S,  NL7/NN7A,  OJ0VR,  P3A,  PJ2/G3TXF,
UK8GK, UP0F, V31JZ/p, V44KJ, V63J (OC-132),  V63RE (OC-180 and  OC-277),V63WN
(OC-180 and  OC-277),VF0X (NA-196),  VK0JLX,  VK9LT, VO2ZT,  VP2EREM,  VU7MY,
VU7RG, W5BOS/AL0 (NA-238),  XU7POS (AS-133), XX9TTR,  YA/LY1Y, YI1HXH,  YU0A,


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                425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org)
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


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                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia



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