425 DX News issue #862

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10 November 2007                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 862
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  IK1ADH & I1JQJ
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

9G      - Alan, G3XAQ will be active as  9G5XA from Ghana on 12-26  November.
          He will operate CW  only and will  participate in the  CQ WW DX  CW
          Contest as  a  SOSB entry,  probably  on 15  metres.  He  plans  to
          concentrate on 30 and 17 metres outside the contest. QSL via G3SWH.
          [TNX The Daily DX]
9M6     - Gerben, PG5M will  be active  either as  9M2/PG5M/6 or  with a  9M6
          callsign of  his  own from  Kota  Kinabalu,  Sabah  (OC-088),  East
          Malaysia on 15-18 November. He  plans to operate  CW only on  10-40
          metres with a beam for 10, 15, 20 and 40 meters, and a G5RV for the
          other bands. QSL  via PG5M,  direct or  bureau. His  website is  at
          http://www.dx.to [TNX PG5M]
C6      - Kenny, K2KW will operate as C6ATA  from Bahamas on 18-26  November.
          He will concentrate on 160-30 metres and will participate in the CQ
          WW DX CW  Contest on 40  metres (low power).  QSL via WA4WTG.  [TNX
EA8     - Slavo, SP2JMB  reports he  will be  active as  EA8/SP2JMB from  the
          Canary Islands (AF-004) until 12 November.  He operates CW and  SSB
          on 80-10 metres. QSl via home call, direct or bureau.
HI      - Dani, EA4ATI has left Senegal and is now stationed in the Dominican
          Republic. He is active as HI5/EA4ATI and will remain there for  one
          year at least. QSL via EA4ATI. [TNX EA4CWN]
HV      - COTA (Carabinieri on the Air) members  will be active from  HV5PUL,
          the amateur  radio station  at  the Pontifical  Lateran  University
          (Vatican City), on 19-21  November. Expect them  to operate on  all
          modes and bands, 6 metres included. This activity celebrates  Saint
          Mary "Virgo Fidelis", patron saint of the Carabinieri, the  Italian
          military police. [TNX IW0DJB/HV5PUL]
KH6     - Goffredo, I0TWA  is going  to Hawaii  (OC-019) and  will be  active
          holiday style as KH6/I0TWA for four weeks. He is likely to  operate
          mostly between 6 and 8 UTC. QSL direct to I0MWI. [TNX I0MWI]
S2      - Stig, LA7JO (aka  9N7JO and HS0ZGD)  reports he will  be active  as
          S21JO from  Bangladesh  on 14-25  November,  CQ WW  DX  CW  Contest
          included. QSL direct to HS0ZGD.
T6      - John, T6EE  reports he  will  be QRV  for  North America  until  10
          November. Look  for  him  between  15 and  17  UTC  on  14220  kHz,
          listening 5 up if necessary. QSL via KE6GFF. [TNX T6EE]
VK9C    - Bernd, VK2IA and  Jan, DJ8NK will  be  active as  VK9AA and  VK9CCC
          from Cocos-Keeling  (OC-003)  on 18-26  November.  Plans    are  to
          operate   CW, SSB  and RTTY  on 10-160  metres. Look  for VK9AA  to
          participate in  the CQ WW DX  CW Contest. QSL VK9AA via DL8YR,  QSL
          VL9CCC via DJ8NK. [TNX NG3K]
VP8_ant - Alan,  VK0LD  (VK6CQ)  is  going  back   to  Patriot  Hills   Base,
          Antarctica, but this  time for  a short  stay (7-10  days). In  his
          limited spare time he will be active as VP8PJ (mostly CW on 40,  30
          and 20 metres). QSL via DL5EBE. [TNX DL5EBE]
VP8_sg  - Melvin Collins, KA4KDZ was been active as VP8DKX from South Georgia
          on 4 November. The  Daily DX reports  he expects to  be back on  20
          meters SSB around  12 November: Mel  is with a  team whose  primary
          goal is wildlife observations, and he will try to "operate as  much
          as possible in the difficult conditions". QSL via home call.
W       - Look for Rick, N8OIL/4 to be active from St. Simons Island (NA-058)
          on 11-23  November.  QSL via  home  call, direct  or  bureau.  [TNX

SOUTH AMERICA TOUR ---> Svein, LA6IKA will be touring South America for three
months starting  on 10  November. His  itinerary will  be decided  while  "en
route", but Svein anticipates he  will operate as  LU/LA6IKA from Tierra  del
Fuego (SA-008) from late November for 2-3 weeks, and as CE0Z/LA6IKA from Juan
Fernandez (SA-005) for one week in late January 2008. He has also obtained  a
licence for Eastr Island (CE0Y/LA6IKA). QSL via home call. [TNX QRZ DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  IK1ADH & I1JQJ
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The latest  issue (October 2007) is now   available
at http://www.425dxn.org/monthly/index.html. Articles and pictures should  be
sent to Nicola Baldresca, IZ3EBA (iz3eba@ari.it).

DXCC NEWS ---> All the operations  on UA4WHX's last  trip are now  acceptable
for DXCC credit.  These include but  may not be  limited to: 5X1VB  (Uganda),
9U0VB (Burundi),  9X0VB  (Rwanda), D20VB  (Angola),  D60VB  (Comoros),  J20VB
(Djibouti). Other operations include 3DA0VB (Swaziland), 5R8VB  (Madagascar),
A25VB (Botswana), C91VB  (Mozambique), OD5/UA4WHX  (Lebanon), ST2VB  (Sudan),
V51VV (Namibia), Z2/UA4WHX (Zimbabwe). [TNX NC1L, DXCC Manager]

PIRATES ---> Joel, TU2FQ reports that quite a number of Ivory Coast callsigns
have not been issued by the local licencing authorithy. He mentions FO/TU2QU,
TU2AC/mm, TU2AWI,  TU3CA, TU3DD,  TU2GE (Michel),  TU5AZA, TU5LV,  TU5ZQ  and

QSL GALLERY  ---> The  large collection  of QSL  cards (nearly  4600) on  Les
Nouvelles DX's  wb site  has been  updated. Ten  different galleries  include
cards for the  ten Most  Wanted DXCC  Entities (160+  QSLs), each  of the  58
deleted DXCC entities (700+ QSLs), obsolete  prefixes (1900+ QSLs),  stations
from Magrebh from  1945 to 1962  (200+ QSLs), Antarctic  bases (600+ QSLs)  &
TAAF (Terres Australes  and Antarctiques Francaises,  230 QSLs), the  various
rare French DXCC island Entities (100+ QSLs), pre-1945 countries (250+ QSLs),
French  Departments  and  USA.  Several  cards  are  still  needed  and  your
participation is encouraged - please visit http://LesNouvellesDX.free.fr  and
send send your comments to LesNouvellesDX@free.fr [TNX F6AJA]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  IK1ADH & I1JQJ
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
1A3A        IZ4DPV      EK6TA       DJ0MCZ      P40W        N2MM
3A/F5VKV    IZ1EGT      EK8SK       SP9ERV      PA20NAFRAS  PA1TT
3DA0VM      ZS6AVM      ER0WW       UT3UA       PA60LIM     PE1NCP
3DA0WW      LZ3HI       ET3JA       OK3AA       PA6Z        PA9M
3V8SF       IZ8CCW      EX2X        EA5KB       PA75SM      PA7JWC
3V8SS       bureau      EY8CQ       DJ1MM       PI4COM      PA3CAL
3W3W        OK1DOT      EY8MM       K1BV        PJ2T        N9AG
4L4WW       EA7FTR      FM/K9NW     K9NW        PJ4E        WA4PGM
4N7N        YU7BPQ      FM1II       ON4IQ       PJ7/K1XM    KQ1F
4U1WRC      4U1ITU      FS/K1XM     KQ1F        RV7AD/0     YT1AD
4X0C        W8HC        G5O         G3VOU       SO6V        SP6DVP
4X0V        AA4V        G6PZ        GM4FDM      SO6X        SP6IXF
5B/K3UY     RA3AUU      GX0IPX      G3JFS       SU9NC       OM2SA
5R8FU       SM5DJZ      HC1HC       NE8Z        SX5P        SV5FRD
5R8RJ       DJ7RJ       HC8N        W5UE        T48K        DK1WI
5U5AU       pirate      HE70FG      HB9FG       T6EE        KE6GFF
5X4X        DF5GQ       HF50SLO     SP9PNB      TF3ZA       KT6YL
6F75A       EA5KB       HF80SLK     SP9PNB      TI4CF       W3HNK
6V7G        EA1FDI      HH2FYD      F6FYD       TI5N        W3HNK
6W1RY       F5VHJ       HI3C        ON4IQ       TM2S        F5PED
6W1SE       JR2KDN      HI3CCP      ON4IQ       TM2T        F6KDF
6Y1V        OH3RB       HI3K        KB2MS       TM2Y        F6BEE
6Y6C        W1VE        HI3T        ON4IQ       TM3OSV      F5JEG
6Y9S        LU7DSY      HK3GXI      EA5KB       TS6A        YT1AD
7Q7HB       G0IAS       HK3O        HK3BVD      TT8CF       F4BQO
7W53N       7X5VRK      HK3Q        W2GR        TT8PK       F4EGS
7Z1HL       DJ9ZB       HQ9R        K5WW        TY5ZR       IK2IQD
8N7TU       JA7YAA      HR1AAB      EA7FTR      UE1RFF      UA1RJ
8P5A        NN1N        HR9/WQ7R    AI4U        UE1QCH      RK1QWB
8Q7AU       HB9OAU      HS0ZDG      K4YT        UE3DDX/3    RZ3FR
8R1PY       PY4KL       HS35SEA     HS1CKC      UE9WFJ      RX9WN
9A735Z      9A2DM       HV50VR      IW0GPN      UK8OM       IK2QPR
9A73AA      9A2AA       HZ1GW       GW0RHC      UN7MMM      EA7FTR
9J2BO       G3TEV       IF9A        IT9ATF      UR4Z        UY0ZG
9K2K        EA5KB       IG9R        IK8HCG      UT/OZ5IPA   OZ5AAH
9M2CNC      G4ZFE       II8MM       IZ8EPY      UZ1H        UZ1HZ
9M2GCN      JH3GCN      IO4T        IZ4JMA      V26B        KA2AEV
9M4DXX      9M2TO       IQ9BF       bureau      V26BZR      W2BZR
9M6LSC      JF1SQC      IR2M        IZ2FDU      V26CW       KM9M
9N7BV       JA1PBV      IR4X        I4EAT       V26OC       N3OC
A35RK       W7TSQ       IR5A        IK5AFJ      V31FB       W5JON
A45WG       NI5DX       IR5T        IK5ORP      V8AQM       W3HNK
A71BX       EA7FTR      IR8Z        IZ8GBH      V8FDM       GM4FDM
AH0BT       7L1FPU      IR9K        IW9HLM      V8FEO       M5AAV
AH2R        JH7QXJ      IR9P        IW9HMQ      V8FWP       PA7FM
AH6XX       K2WR        IR9Y        IT9ABY      V8FWU       F5CWU
AO3K        EA3GHZ      IS0T        IN3ZNR      VC2Z        VE2BR
AO8A        EA8AH       IY1EY       IK1QBT      VE2IM       VE3DZ
B1Z         EA7FTR      IY1TTM      IW1RIK      VE2Z        VE3ZF
BA4T        BA4TA       J28JA       F5JFU       VK8NSB      VK6NE
C31LJ       VE3EXY      J37T        VE3EBN      VK9ANH      DL2AH
C4I         LZ2HM       J3A         WA1S        VP2EDL      DL5CW
C50C        OM2FY       J3K         W8GEX       VP2EDM      DM5YL
C52C        OM2FY       J42T        SV2BFN      VP2MDG      K2DM
C6APR       K3IXD       J42WT       SV2HPP      VP5DX       NU4Y
C6AQW       WQ5W        J48JJ       HA7JJS      VP5KE       N4KE
C91R        CT1BXT      J48NL       HA6NL       VP5T        N2VW
CC0Y        9A2AA       J48PL       HA7PL       VP8DKX      KA4KDZ
CE0Y/9A4X   9A2AA       J48PS       HA6PS       VP9I        N1HRA
CE1W        HA1AG       J48RT       HA6NL       VR2C        WA4WTG
CE4CT       EA5KB       J75/DK0RZ   DK0RZ       WP2Z        KU9C
CN2BC       DL7BC       J88DR       G3TBK       WP3C        W3HNK
CN2FB       DK4VW       JW/G3SXW    G3SXW       WP3R        W3HNK
CN2FF       DK4VW       JW/G3TXF    G3TXF       XE3RBA      EB7AEY
CN2KT       DK4VW       JW5NM       LA5NM       XR5JA       CE5COX
CN2R        W7EJ        JW7QIA      LA7QIA      XU7AAJ      IW3SNW
CN3A        I2WIJ       K6VVA/KL7   N6AWD       XU7ACJ      ON6NP
CN4P        EA5XX       KB7OBU/KH2  JA3VXH      XU7MDY      OH4MDY
CO8LY       EA7ADH      KH7X        K2PF        XV1X        OK1DOT
CP6XE       IK6SNR      KL8C        N6AWD       XW1A        E21EIC
CT/EA7TV    EA7TV       LR2F        LU2FA       YK9SV       SV1JG
CT9L        DJ6QT       LU1ZV       LU4DXU      YM0T        TA2RC
CU2A        OH2BH       LU2FLN      EA5KB       YR125AV     YO8AXP
CX1TG       IK2DUW      LX7I        LX2A        YT60W       YU7BCD
CX6VM       W3HNK       LZ1195IR    LZ1KZA      YU3A        YT7TY
D2NX        JH7FQK      LZ26ZA      LZ1KZA      Z29KM       EA7FTR
D9K         DS4NYE      MW5W        M3SDE       Z33F        IZ8FWN
DK150HZ     DH2ES       NH0DX/NH2   JL3RDC      Z36T        DJ0LZ
DR1A        DL6FBL      NP4A        W3HNK       ZD7X        W0MM
DU6BG       K6BG        NQ4I        K4PK        ZD8N        G3ZVW
E51NOU      N7OU        OA4SS       KB6J        ZL3A        ZL3WW
EE1E        EA1CBX      OF3JF       OH3JF       ZL4/G4EDG   G4EDG
EE2K        EA2RKO      OF8X        OH6KN       ZL4IR       W8WC
EE2W        EB2BXL      OH0B        OH2BH       ZL7/DL2AH   DL2AH
EE3E        EA3ELZ      OH0R        OH2PM       ZM2M        ZL2AL
EE4E        EA4CQT      ON9CMV      N0HJZ       ZM4A        ZL4AA
EE5KB       EA5KB       P33W        RA3AUU      ZP0R        ZP5AZL
EG9VRC      EA9GW       P3F         G3NKC       ZS4U        K3PD
EK0B        SP9ERV      P40A        WD9DZV      ZS9X        K3PD
EK3GM       IK2QPR      P40PA       W4PA        ZX5J        AI4U

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                          Edited by  IK1ADH & I1JQJ
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

7X5VRK  Bou-Saada ARC, P.O. Box 300 HB, Bou-Saada 28200, Algeria
9M2TO   Tex Izumo, P.O. Box 125, GPO 10710, Penang, Malaysia
9N7JO   Stig Lindblom, Thatsana Changphimai, 147/1 - Moo 3, Tambon Boot, Ban
        Ta Bong, Phimai, TH-30110 Nakhon Ratchashima, Thailand
B7P     Weiwen Yang, P.O. Box 599, Foshan, Guangdong, 528000, China
DK4VW   Ulrich Mueller, Kreutzacker Str. 13, 35041 Marburg, Germany
F5CWU   Flo Moudar, 25 Rue du Castel Salis, 37100 Tours, France
G4EDG   Steve Taylor, 80 Nadderpark Rd., Exeter, Devon EX4 1NX, UK
GM4FDM  Tom Wylie, 3 Kings Crescent, Elderslie, Strathclyde, PA5 9AD,
        Scotland, UK
HK3BVD  Mario Henao, COD 12, P. O. Box 02-5242, Miami, FL 33102-5242, USA
HK3W    Siso Hennessey, COD 9779, P.O. Box 02-5242, Miami, Florida
        33102-5242, USA
OM2FY   Branislav Daras, P.O. Box 6, Bratislava 28, 82008, Slovakia
OZ5AAH  Ben Jakobsen, Gjethusparken 25, DK-3300 Frederiksvaerk, Denmark
PA7FM   Dennis Robbemond, Loggerhof 11, 3181 NS Rozenburg, The Netherlands
ST2M    Magdi Osman Ahmed Abdelrahim, P.O. Box 2, Khartoum Airport 11112,
SV1JG   Cliff Sacalis, P.O. Box 10, Kapandriti, 19014 Greece
UK8AJ   Rustam Karimov, P.O. Box 152, Tashkent, 100000, Uzbekistan
VE3ZF   Igor Slakva, 105 La Rose Avenue, PH # 1410, Etobicoke, Ontario M9P
        1A9, Canada
YB0ZZ   P.O. Box Box 8000, Jakarta 11000, Indonesia
ZC4LI   Steve Hodgson, 4 Nikolau Michael Street, 5523 Dasaki Achnas, Cyprus
UJ-UM QSL BUREAU  P.O.Box 0, Tashkent, 100000, Uzbekistan


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org
                425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org
                425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org)
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                                MAILING LIST

                   Please visit the "Mailing List" page at
       and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions
                  or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                  Stefano Turci, IK4WMH (ik4wmh@425dxn.org)


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia



        *** The PacketCluster network 425 DX News search tool commands ***

SH/425 CAL          shows the 425DXN Calendar "current" activities;
SH/425 BULL [num]   where [num] is the bulletin issue number;
SH/425 [text]       where [text] should be replaced with  a callsign, an  IOTA
                    reference number,  an island  name, an  Antarctic base,  a
                    lighthouse, etc. 

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